About us

The Hungarian Association of Literary Translators (MEGY) was founded in September 2003 and is the first professional organisation ever to represent the interests of literary translators in Hungary.

Our mission is to protect the interests of all professional translators in Hungary. We fight for fair conditions and adequate remuneration in assignments, we intend to make sure all contracts between translators and publishing houses are made in advance and by mutual agreement.

We vouch for quality and a sustainable legacy, we organise mentorship programs and educational courses. We promote and publicise translation. Our philosophy is that literary translators should not only be heard and read but also seen. We provide each other support within the organisation just as much as we keep each other informed and updated regarding professional events and relevant innovations in the industry. The Hungarian Association of Literary Translators is a member of CEATL, the European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations.

Magyar Műfordítók Egyesülete