gabor g gyukics (b. 1958) poet, jazz poet, literary translator born in Budapest. He is the author of 11 books of original poetry, 6 in Hungarian, 2 in English, 1 in Arabic, 1 in Bulgarian, 1 in Czech, 1 book of original prose, and 16 books of translations including A Transparent Lion, selected poetry of Attila József and Swimming in the Ground a Contemporary Hungarian Poetry (in English, both with co-translator Michael Castro) and an anthology of North American Indigenous poets in Hungarian titled Medvefelhő a város felett. He writes his poems in English (which is his second language) and Hungarian. He had lived in Holland for two years before moving to the US where hed lived between 1988-2002, at present he resides in Szeged, Hungary. His poetic works and translations have been published in over 200 magazines and anthologies in English, Hungarian and other languages worldwide. He is a recipient of the Banff International Literary Translation Centre (BILTC) residency in Canada in 2011. His latest book in English titled a hermit has no plural was published by Singing Bone Press in the fall of 2015. His latest book in Hungarian was published by Lector Press in May 2018. In September 2020, he received the Hungary Beat Poet Laureate Lifetime award by the National Beat Poetry Foundation USA. He is Hungarian Beat Poet Laureate, he received the Poesis 25 Prize for Poetry in Satu Mare Romania in 2015, the Salvatore Quasimodo special prize for poetry in 2012, a National Cultural Foundation grant in 2007 and a Füst Milan translator prize in 1999 and in 2017. Thanks to a CEC Arts Link grant, he established the first Open Mike and Jazz Poetry reading series in Hungary in 2000. In 2018 he published his third jazz poetry CD in English titled Vibration of Words with three amazing Hungarian jazz musicians, Béla Ágoston, Csaba Pengő, Viktor Bori. About the poetry of gabor g gyukics “Gábor G Gyukicss conceptual poetry, which employs outstanding compression, effortlessly create and explore connections between incredibly distant and microscopically close subjects, is often compared to North American Indian, Far Eastern and Hermetic poetry.” Jiri Machanek, Protimluv Publishing, Czech Republic Elevating the associative musicality of images and thoughts to become an organizing principle is certainly not without roots in the Hungarian poetic tradition, yet the way Gabor G Gyukics is using it still sounds foreign and strange in Europe (and in Hungary), and it is rather close to contemporary American poetry. Mainly because Gyukics poetry is not based on edited music and on music in the poetic sense. What is important in the case of this strange tradition is the improvisative character, its instantaneity, its direct (yet not individual) subjectivity of live jazz and the ephemer aesthetics of the poems that cannot be canonized and therefore they seem foreign to the aesthetic requirements of European poetry. PhD. dr. habil Orsolya Rákai

Gyukics Gábor G
Forrásnyelv(ek): angol, magyar
Célnyelv(ek): angol, magyar
- E-mail-cím:
Fontosabb fordítások
Gabor G. Gyukics poet, literary translator
Member of the Szépírók Társasága – Hungarian Society of Writers, Critics and Literary Translators
Phone: +36 30 200 4868, E-mail:
Book Publications Original Poetry:
- kié ez az arc in Czech, translated by Robert Svoboda, Protimluv Press, Ostrava, Czech Republic 2019
- kié ez az arc in Arabic, translated by Abdallah Naggar, Sanabel Press, Cairo, Egypt 2019
- végigtapint, selected poetry in Hungarian, Lector Publishing, Romania 2018
- A Hermit Has no Plural, in English, Singing Bone Press, Columbia, SC, USA 2015
- - Selected Poetry in Bulgarian, translated by Stefka Hrusanova, Gutenberg Publishing House, Sofia, Bulgaria 2013
- - kié ez az arc, in Hungarian, L’Harmattan Publishing, Budapest 2011
- - Lepkék vitrinben, in Hungarian, Fekete Sas Publishing, Budapest 2006
- versKÉPzelet, poems and writings on art in Hungarian and 22 works by 20 contemporary fine artists, Hanga Publishing, Budapest 2005
- A remete többes száma, in Hungarian, Fekete Sas Publishing, Budapest, 2002
- Last Smile, English-Hungarian, Cross Cultural Communications, New York, 1999, Preface by Hal Sirowitz
- Utcai Elődás, in Hungarian, Fekete Sas Publishing, Budapest, 1998
Original Prose
- Kisfa galeri «socio-horror», in Hungarian, L’Harmattan Publishing, Budapest, 2014 Poetry
Translations to Hungarian
- Medvefelhő a város felett, contemporary North American indigenous poetry anthology, Scolar Publishing, Budapest Hungary 2015
- Nagy Kis-Madár, the poetry of Jim Northrup, Új Forrás and Librarius Publishings, Tata, Hungary 2013
- Átkelés, Contemporary American Poetry Anthology, Nyitott Könyvműhely, 2007 Budapest, Hungary
- Cornucopion-Bőségszaru, selected poetry of Ira Cohen, I.T.M and Új Mandátum Publishings, Budapest, Hungary 2007
- A szem önéletrajza, selected poetry of Paul Auster, Barruss Publishing, 2007 Budapest
- Half-Naked Muse Félmeztelen múzsa, Contemporary American Poetry Anthology, bilingual, Magyar Könyvklub Publishing, Budapest, Hungary 2000
Translations to English
- They'll Be Good for Seed, contemporary Hungarian Poetry anthology, White Pine Press, Buffalo, NY, 2021-The Heart Attacks of the Soul, Gypsy Cantos, selected poetry of Attila Balogh, co-translator Michael Castro, Singing Bone Press, Charleston, SC, USA,
- My God, How Many Mistakes Ive Made, selected poetry of Endre Kukorelly, co - translator Michael Castro, Singing Bone Press, Columbia, SC, USA 2015
- Terrenum, an art book by Ádám Gáll visual artist including his poetic works in English, co-translator Michael Castro, EX-BB Publishing, Budapest, Hungary 2009
- A Transparent Lion, Selected poetry of Attila József, co-translator Michael Castro, Green Integer Publishing, Los Angeles, USA 2006
- Gypsy Drill, collected poetry of Attila Balogh, co-translator Michael Castro, Neshui Publishing, St. Louis, USA 2006
- Consciousness, Attila József DVD, Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest 2005
- Swimming in the Ground, Contemporary Hungarian Poetry Anthology, co-translator Michael Castro, Neshui Publishing, St. Louis, USA 2002
Nonfiction Translations
- A Historical Painter in the 20th Century Tibor András, Argumentum, Budapest, 2017
- Memories and Reflections of the Dispossessed, The Czechoslovak-Hungarian Population Exchange 1945-1949, co-translator Tom Bass, Kompress Printing, Komárom, Hungary, 2010
- Beszélő tárgyak: a Petőfi család relikviái, by Zsuzsa Kalla and Rita Ratzky, English translation by Gábor G Gyukics, Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest, 2006
- Nyugat-Balkán, Travel Book - Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Slovenia, with Peter Veres, Park Publishing, Budapest, 2006
- A Golem story may be? An art book by Levente Thury ceramic artist, Ráday Könyvesház Publishing, Budapest 2005 [translated by Gábor G Gyukics ... et al.
- Public Spaces of Modern Architecture in Budapest 1.: Budapest Cinemas and Grand Café Budapest -Németh, Zsófia (ed.) -Ernst Museum, Budapest, 2003
Drama Translations to Hungarian
- Steven Berkoff: Decadence, Kalligram, Bratislava - Budapest 19947-8
- Steven Berkoff: Greek, Radnóti Theatre, Budapest, 1994
- Steven Berkoff: Kvetch, Criticai Lapok theatre magazine, Budapest, 19997-8
- Steven Berkoff: Kvetch, Gárdonyi Géza Theatre, Eger, 2004
- Steven Berkoff: Greek, Kalligram literary magazine, Bratislava - Budapest 2005 1-2
Jazz Poetry publications and exhibits
- Vibration of Words, jazz poetry in English, Origo Studio, Budapest, 2018. Music: Ágoston Béla soprano and C melody saxophones, alto clarinet, kaval, glissonic, fijura, Bori Viktor piano, Pengő Csaba double bass, Gabor G Gyukics poetry
- Beépített arcok, jazz poetry in Hungarian, Origo Studio, Budapest, 2018. Music: Ágoston Béla soprano and C melody saxophones, alto clarinet, kaval, glissonic, fijura, Bori Viktor piano, Dóra Attila soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, Eichinger Tibor guitar, Gabor G Gyukics poetry
- Sand Snail, English language poetry, Frogpond Productions, New York, 2000. Music: Mark Deutsch.
- The Afterlife of a Book; the poetry of Gábor G. Gyukics with the eyes of contemporary fine artists, 15 poems –19 artists – 21 artworks, Mucius Gallery, Budapest, April 11- May 12, 2005
- Versvonzatok, the poetry of Gábor G. Gyukics with the eyes of contemporary fine artists. 21 poems – 21 artists – 25 artworks, Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest, December 4, 2018- January 20, 2019
- The Worlds of Gabor Gyukics on Vimeo, New York, New York, 2011 - Kulissza, a documentary about Gabor G Gyukics. MTV2, Budapest, Hungary, 2008
- Dictatorship of Taste, a documentary about Hungarian poetry, Neshui Films, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2008
- Poet to Poet, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, Springfield Gardens, NY, 1996
Prizes and Fellowships
- Hungary Beat Poet Laureate, National Beat Poet Foundation Inc. New Hartford, Connecticut, USA, 2020
- Milán Füst translation grant, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest 1999, 2017
- Salvatore Quasimodo honorable mention, Balatonfüred, Hungary 2016, 2017, 2019
- Poesis 25 Prize for Poetry, Satu Mare, Romania 2015
- PIM - Hungarian Books & Translations Office fellowship, Budapest, 2013
- Salvatore Quasimodo Special Prize for Poetry, Balatonfüred, Hungary 2012
- Writer’s fellowship from the National Cultural Fund, Budapest 2007
- British Council translator award, Budapest 2000
- ArtsLink fellowship, New York 1999
Residencies attended
- Banff International Literary Translation Centre (BILTC) Program, Banff, Canada, 2011
- Hungarian Translators House scholarship and residency in Balatonfüred, Hungary 1998, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2018
Book Fairs and Festivals
- Prague International Literary Festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 2019
- Cairo International Literary Festival, Cairo, Egypt, 2019
- Protimluv International Literary Festival, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2017, 2019
- Tanta International Poetry Festival, 2nd Edition, Tanta, Egypt, 2016
- The 1st 100 Thousand Poets for Change Festival, Salerno, Italy 2015
- The 25th Poesis Poetry Festival, Satu Mare, Romania 2015
- The 10th Novi Sad International Literary Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia 2015
- Sofia International Book Fair, Sofia, Bulgaria 2013
- The 12th Den poezie Festival, Prague, Czech Republic 2010
- Cúirt International Festival of Literature, Galway, Ireland 2004
- Culture of Wine Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria 2000
- Blue Metropolis Montreal International Literary Festival, Canada 2000
Articles, reviews written about his works in English
- Riverfront Times, St. Louis, November 20, 1996 - Richard Byrne
- - Pembroke magazine, North Carolina, 1999, Peter Hargitai
- Jacket, online magazine, August 2002, - Larry Sawyer
- - St. Louis Post Dispatch, May 21, 2003 - Charles Guenther
- - World Literature Today, Oklahama, October - December 2003 - Robert Murray Davis
- - Poetry Society- Divas on the Danube – 2006- David Hill
- - Hungarian Literature Online, January 2007 – Tom Bass -
- Rain Taxi, online edition Fall 2007 – John Bradley -
- Budapest Sun, weekly paper, July 28, 2008 – Ágnes Vinkovits -
- Pacific Rim Review of Books, Victoria, Canada, Fall-Winter 2009 – Jordan Zinovich
- , New York, 2017 - Steve Dalachinsky
- https:sensitiveskinmagazine.coma-hermit-has-no-plural-by-gabor-g-gyukics-review, New York, 2018 - Ron Kolm
- Interviews, articles, reviews written about his works in Hungarian:
- Színház, theatre magazine, Budapest, May 1994 – László Zappe
- Magyar Narancs, weekly magazine on culture and society, Budapest, January 7 1999 - sissova, April 6, 2000 - sissova, June 15, 2000 - sissova, January 22, 2004– Csaba Báthori, November 22, 2007 – lóránt k kabai, September 18, 2014 - sisso
- Ilona Legaza’s webpage: http://cgi.t-online.huilegezasendpage
- Élet és Irodalom, literature and politics weekly, Budapest, August 4, 2000– Béla Bodor; November 21, 2002 – György Kálmán C. ; December 5, 2003 - József Keresztesi; April 20, 2007 – Balázs Györe; March 23, 2012 - Gergely Angyalosi; March 18, 2016 - Sarolta Deczki, October 31 2018 - György Kálmán C.
- Népszava, daily paper, Budapest, 2000 – Anna Valachi, Orsolya Csejtei December 21, 2018
- Könyvhét, a magazine on books, Budapest, June 15, 2000 - mátraházi; February 20, 2003 - Orsolya Karafiáth
- Alföld, literary magazine, Debrecen, March 2002 - Béla Bodor; December 2003 – Béla Bodor, November 2016 - Szathmári Judit
-, online literary magazine, February 2003 - Ádám Dukay Nagy; January 2004 - Balázs Czifrik; March 2006 - Ádám Dukay Nagy; 2006 – Zita Murányi, Sefptember 2007 – Béla Bodor
- Új Holnap, literary magazine, Miskolc, summer 2003 - Attila Nyilas
- VárUcca, literary magazine, Veszprém, 2003.I – Kilián László
- Szépirodalmi Figyelő, literary magazine, Budapest, 20034 - Lajos Kelemen; 20075 - György Pápay
- Műhely, literary magazine, Győr, 20036 – Ádám Dukay Nagy
- Palócföld, literary magazine, Salgótarján, 2004, 1-2. – Dezső Tandori
- The News Letter of the Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest, Spring 2005
- Népújság, Tirgu-Mures, Romania, June 5 2006 – Botond Nagy
- Műút, literary magazine, Miskolc 20074 – G. István László; 201410- Gábor Reichert
- Irodalmi Jelen, literary magazine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 2008 – Zoltán Boldog; March 2012 - Balázs Kántás; February 2016 Cristian Réka M.
- Kalligram, literary magazine, Budapest-Bratislava, March 2010 – András Sándor
- Jelenkor, literary magazine, Pécs, May 2010 – Mariann Sereg; September 2012 - József Krupp
- Új Ember, Catholic weekly, Budapest, December 4, 2011 - Gábor Zsille
- Kortárs online, January 2012 - Brigitta Eőri, July 2018 – Tibor Juhász
- Tempevölgy, literary magazine, Balatonfüred, December 2012 - László Szörényi
- Kortárs, literary magazine, Budapest 20132 - Csaba Csuday, 20151 Csaba Csuday, 20189 Csaba Csuday
- Új Forrás, literary magazine, Tatabánya, March 2013 - Ádám Tábor; May 2014 - Ákos Györffy; February 2014 - Csaba Domán
- Revizor, online art magazine, January 2015 - Tamás Tarján
- Könyvkultúra magazine online, January 24, 2017 - Ayhan Gökan
- HVG, weekly magazine, August 15, 2018 – Gábor Murányi
- Bécsi Napló, by-monthly Hungarian newspaper in Vienna, Austria, 2018 fall – Zsuzsa Holdasi Szabó
- 168 Óra, weekly magazine, September 27, 2018 - Ayhan Gökan
- Vasárnapi Hírek, weekly newspaper, Octóber 20, 2018 – Péter Rácz I.
Poetry and Poetry Translation Published in Books and Anthologies
- Az utolsó indiánkönyv, co-editor, plus 1 poem, PIM, 2021
- From the Ancestors an anthology and CD edited by Ron Whitehead and with music by Gabriel Walker. Trancemission Press, Historic Clarksville, Indiana, USA, 2020
- Sensitive Skin Selected Writing: 2016-2018, Sensitive Skin Books, NYC, NY 2019
- Americans and Others, Camion Press, Turin, Italy 2019
- Szegedi Horizont, Szeged, Hungary, 2019, 2020
- My Daisies from the Side of the Road, A Collective Tribute to Maurice Kenny, Many Moons Press, New York, USA 2018
- Cebollas Agrias El Oeste de un Planeta Apocaliptico, Mexico, 2017
- Opus Testimonii, S, eleccion des poetas de este mundo, La Luna Que - Kultrum, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017
- Rise, an anthology of Power and Unity, Vagabond, Los Angeles, USA, 2017
- Tanta International Poetry Festival Anthology, Tanta, Egypt, 2016
- Гдесу Врата - Where the Doors Are, an Anthology of the Novi Sad International Literary Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia 2015
- whack fol the dah, Writings for Ferenc Takács on his 65th birthday, Department of English Studies, Faculty of Humanities, School of English and American Studies, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest: 2 original poems
- American Idler, The Photography of Gergely Szatmáry, Ráday Gallery, Budapest, Hungary 2012: 5 original poems
- I lived on this Earth…Hungarian Poets on the Holocaust, Alba Press, London, England 2012: 1 poem translated by Menyhért Lakatos and 1 poem by Zsolt Szolnoki Csana
- In Memorian István Bella, Vörösmarty Association, Székesfehérvár, Hungary 2011
- Békássy Ferenc Collected Works, ed. Weiner Sennyei Tibor, Aranymadár Alapítvány 2010, 1 poem by Ferenc Békássy
- Spanyolnátha Anthology, SPN Books, Hernádkak, Hungary 2009
- Stranger at Home, American Poetry with an Accent, Anthology of Contemporary Poetry by American Poets of Foreign Origin, InterPoezia, New York 2008,
- Budapest Slam 2 DVD, translations of the poems of 15 participants to English, 2007 Budapest, MűcsarnokKüntshalle
- Das poetische Prinzip – The Poetic Principle - A poézis elvén –, a trilingual anthology, Mind Print Budapest-Hamburg, 2006, 3 original poems and 3 poems by Chris Brown
- Hans Blumenberg, Hajótörés nézővel, ed. András Czeglédi, 2006, a poem by Abraham Cowley
- In Our Own Words, North Carolina, 2005 Vol.6 - In Quest of the Miracle Stag, The Poetry of Hungary Vol. II. Chicago 2003: 3 poems by János Lackfi
- A Fine Line, New Poetry from Eastern and Central Europe, Arc Publications, England 2004, 3 poems by János Térey
- Hide and Seek, an Anthology of Contemporary Hungarian Literature, JAK, Budapest 2004, 1 poem by János Térey
- Gods and Mortals; Anthology of Greek Myth, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001: 1 poem by Sándor Weöres
- Crystal Garden, An Anthology of Canadian Contemporary Poets, Hungarian-Canadian Friendship Society, Budapest, 2001, 2 poems by Heather Hermant
- Tütü Tangó Anthology, Budapest, 2000 - Alterra Anthology, Budapest, 2000 (prose)
- Contemporary Poetry and Graphic Biennial Anthology, Kecskemét, Hungary 1999
- Spiral Thought, New York, 1999; Spiral Thought Audio Anthology 1 recording in the Brooklyn Museum, January 24 1998
- Adobe Anthology, San Francisco California, 1994
- National Library of Poetry Anthology, Maryland, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996
Poetry and Prose Published in English Language Magazines
- Cups, California, 1992 (prose), 1994, New York, 1996 - East and West Literary Quarterly, California, winter 1992 - Two Twentyfour Poetry Quarterly, California, winter 1992 - Corde, California, 1993 - Rampike, U. of Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1993 Vol. 81, Vol. 82, 2014 Vol. 231 - Spiritual Quest, Florida, 1993 - Quill Books, Texas, 1993, 1994 - Hinge, California, 1994 - Rain City Review, Oregon, 1993 spring-summer, 1995 - Monona Review, Wisconsin, 1994 - tight, California, December 1994, March 2ooo - the big spoon, Northern Ireland, autumn 1994, spring 1995 - New York Hangover, New York, 1996 - New Press Literary Quarterly, New York, spring, autumn 1996 - Copulation, New York, 19968 - Poetry in Motion, Michigan, 19963-3 - Salonika, New York, 1996 - Medicinal Purposes, New York, spring 1997 - Black Buzzard Review, Virginia, 1997 - Cover, New York, October 1997 - phatitude, New Jersey, spring 1997 - Northwoods Journal, Maine, autumn 1997 - Nexus, Ohio, autumn 1997, spring, autumn 1998 - Milk, Ohio, spring, autumn 1999 - Nigth, New York, 1999 43 - Lost and Found, Ohio, 199943 - Cross Path Culture, online magazine, 20001 - Apalachee Review, Florida, 200048 - Milk, online magazine, 20012 - Brooklyn Review, New York, May 2001 - Bigbridge, online magazine, October 2001 - Unlikely Stories, online magazine, December 2001, June 29, 2016, November 3 2016, October 25 2017, July 2018 - Foolscap, England, 20021 - Cafe Review, Maine, 2002, Vol 13, 2011, Vol. 22 - Butchers Block, New York, 2002 Vol. IV, 2003 Vol. V, 2011 Vol. - Hunger, New York, 2002 Vol 5. 1 - Poetry Repair Shop, online magazine, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 - To Topos, Poetry International, Oregon State U., Winter 2006 - Desire Street, New Orleans Poetry Forum, Vol.2 2006 - Arabesques Review, Chlef, Algeria, 2006 Vol. 2. Issue 3 - Episteme online magazine, New Europe Issue, Great Britain 2007 - Untamed Ink, Lindenwood University, St. Louis, MO. Spring 2008 - Estuary, A Creative Arts Journal from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Volume 11 Fall 2008, Savannah, Georgia - Future Earth Magazine, USA, Volume 2, online 2009 - Sketchbook online Journal of Eastern and Western short forms, Cypress, Texas, Vol. 4, No. 5, SeptemberOctober 2009, Vol. 5, No. 5, SeptemberOctober 2010 - Many Mountains Moving, Literary Journal, Philadelphia, PA, Vol. X. No. 1, 2010 - Cream City Review, English Dept. of the U. of Wisconsin, 20102011, Vol 342 - The Southeast Review, English Dept. of Florida State University, 2011, Vol. 91 - Ginosko ezine, Fairfax, California, 2011 10, 2014 14 - Pirenes Fountain, A Journal of Poetry, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2012 Spring-Summer - Fragrance Online Poetry Magazine, India, July-September 2013, Volume 1. Issue 3. - Subterranean Blue Poetry, Internet Poetry Café of New Age Poetry and Art, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Volume I. Issue V. October 2013 - Yellow Medicine Review, Marshall, Minnesota, fall 2013, spring 2019 in Tributes to Adrian C. Louis, spring 2021 - Huffington Post, American online news aggregator, November 27, 2013 - Best Poems Encyclopedia, at -, July 2014 - Edgar Allan Poet Journal 2, Sherman Oaks, CA, September 2014 - MadHat Lit. Asheville, NC, October 5. 2014 - Silver Birch Press, Los Angeles, CA, December 2014 - Whirlwind, Philadelphia, PA, Issue 7, 2016 - In-flight Literary Magazine, Issue 7, April 2016 - Haiku Journal, 43, Prolific Press, Harborton, VA, April 2016 - DoveTales, an International Journal of the Arts, Fort Collins, CO, May 2016 - Fox Adoption Magazine: July 6, 2016 - Atelier Poesi Press, Orange Texas, July 2016 - Sensitive Skin, New York, NY, July 2016, August 2019 - Episteme, Badlapur, India, September 2016 - Jazz Cigarette (Petrichor), USA, October 2016 - Shantih, Phoenix, Arizona, December 2016 - All the sins, issue 2. online, London. UK, January 2017 - The Lake, contemporary poetry webzine, UK, August 2017 - Red Ink, International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Arts, & Humanities Department of English Arizona State University, Spring 2017, Issue 191 - Tsunami Books, Paris, France, February 2018 - Panel, Budapest, Hungary, May 2018 - Writer’s Café Magazine, Newcastle, UK, November 2019 - Taj Mahal Review, Allahabad, India, Vol. 19, December 2019, Issue 36. - Ostrava Journal of English Philology, Ostrava University, Czech Republic, 2019. 112 - The Blue Nib, Ecklands, Carnhill, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland, June 4, 2020 - Bezine online journal, Jerusalem, Israel, March 15, 2021 - San Francisco Public Library: https:sfpl.orgbooks-and-mediasan-francisco-poet-laureatepoem-of-the-daypoem-day-archive
Translations from Hungarian to English -- some magazine published more than once
- North West Literary Forum, Washington, January 1993: 1 poem by György Petri - East and West Literary Quarterly, California, summer 1993: 1 poem by Mihály Ladányi - the big spoon, Northern Ireland, spring 1995.: poems by Katalin Ladik and György Petri - Exquisite Corpse, Louisana, 199657: 2 poems by László Nagy - Visions International, Virginia, 199652: 2 poems by László Garaczi; 199757: 1 poem by László Darvasi; 199960: 1 poem by Ákos Fodor - River Styx, Missouri, 199747: poems by Katalin Ladik, Mihály Ladányi, Rezső Keszthelyi, János Pilinszky and Zsófia Balla - Cover, New York, October 1996: 1 poem by Lajos Parti Nagy - Osiris, Massachusetts, 199845: 2 poems by Rezső Keszthelyi - Paintbrush, Missouri, 1998. autumn: poems by Irén Kiss and Krisztina Tóth - Nexus, Ohio, 199934-2: 1 poem by András Petőcz - Pembroke, North Carolina, 199931: 55 poems by 20 Hungarian poets - Natural Bridge, Missouri, spring 1999: 10 poems by 9 Hungarian poets, fall 2003: 2 poems by Attila József, spring 2006: 4 poems by Attila Balogh, 2006 Special Edition: 1 poem by György Petri - Nappali Ház’s Frankfurt issue, 1999: poems by Lajos Parti Nagy, Krisztina Tóth and János Térey - Cross Path Culture, online magazine, 20002: poems by István Kemény, György Petri, Katalin Ladik and Krisztina Tóth - Exquisite Corpse, online magazine, 20019: poems by Dezső Tandori, Lajos Parti Nagy, Endre Kukorelly, György Petri, Krisztina Tóth, 20049: 6 poems by Attila József - Bitter Oleander, New York, October 2001.: poems by Balázs Simon and Krisztián Peer - Unlikely Stories, online magazine, December 2001.: poems by László Bertók, János Marno, Imre Oravecz and Ottó Orbán, March 2019 poems by János Áfra, July 2019 poems by Mónika Mesterházy, February 2020 2 poems by Zsuka Nagy, 1 poem by Márió Z. Nemes, April 2020 2 poems by Zsuzsanna Peremartoni, June 2021 1 poem by Borbála Kulin, 2 pomes by Zita Izsó - Apalachee Review, Florida, 200150: poems by Károly Bari, Ferenc Hajdu and Sándor Tatár - Milk, http://www.milkmag.orgvol6home.html, 20013: 11 poems by Attila József, 20045 3 poems by János Pilinszky, Vol. 8. 8 poems by Attila Balogh - Rattapallax, New York, 200310 autumn: 1 poem by Katalin Ladik -, online magazine, 2004 poems by Dezső Tandori and György Petri, a short story by Sándor Márai, - Poetry on the Metro, Budapest, 2005, 12 poems by Attila József - Blatt, Praha, Czech Republic, 2006 1, 1 poem by Krisztina Tóth, 20071, 1 poem by Levente Kiraly - To Topos, Poetry International, Oregon State U., Winter 2006: poems by Zsófia Balla, Attila Balogh, László Garaczi, Péter Kántor, Attila Nyilas - Poetry Repair Shop, online magazine, 2009, 2 poems by Zita Muranyi, http://www.poetryrepairs.comv10c07.html, poems by Mihály Babits, Mihály Balázsovics, István Béki, Olga Czilczer, Ádám Dukay Nagy, Ferenc Gál, Ádám Gáll, Kinga Fabó, Ottó Fenyvesi, Tamás Filip, Ferenc Hajdu, Gizelle Hervay, Attila Nyilas, Marcell Szabó, Ferenc Szíjj, Dezső Tandori, Sándor Tatár, Ádám Tábor, Krisztina Tóth, Tibor Vass, Sándor Weöres - Future Earth Magazine Vol. 2, online, 2 poems by Zita Muranyi and Adam Dukay Nagy - Big Bridge, online magazine Vol. 15, 2011, poems by Ottó Fenyvesi, Tamas Filip, Adam Gáll, Gizella Hervay, Levente Kiraly, Anna Menyhert - HALMA The European Network of Literary Centres, Slovenia 2010, 5 poems by Marcell Szabó - Panel Magazine, 20182, poems by Kinga Fabó, Zita Murányi, 20193 Zsuka Nagy, April 2020 poems by János Térey, Gábor Lanckor, Márió Nemes Z. and Dénes Krusovszki, June 2021 3 poems by Tibor Halmai - Moon Child Magazine, June 2019, a poem by László Aranyi - Briars lit, August 2019, a poem by László Aranyi - Sensitive Skin, New York, NY. September 2019, 4 poems by Johanna Domokos - Acclamation Point, September 2019, a poem by László Aranyi, December 2019 a poem by László Aranyi, - Truly You, November 2019, a poem by László Aranyi - Poet Lore, Writer’s Center, Bethesda, MD, USA, 2019 Vol.: 114 34, a poem by Szabina Ughy - Sage Cigarettes Magazine, December 2019, 2 poems by László Aranyi - North Dakota Quarterly, U. of Nebraska Press, a poem by Gábor Lanckor, Vol.86, Numbers ¾, FallWinter 2019 - New Poetry in Translation, U. of Connecticut, 3 poems by Krisztina Tóth, issue 5, 2019, - Lots of Light Literary Foundation, online magazine, 2 poems by László Aranyi, 20201 - Anomaly 30 online magazine, Boston, USA, 2 poems by Zsuka Nagy, April 2020 - Re-side 5, Warwick, England, a poem by László Aranyi, 20204 - The Blue Nib, Ecklands, Carnhill, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland, Poems by Anna T. Szabó, issue 42, July 2020 - The Arkansas International, fall 2020, a poem by Dénes Krusovszky
Translations from English to Hungarian –
- Kalligram literary magazine, Bratislava - Budapest, September-October 2006: 3 poems by Ira Cohen, October 2007: 2 poems by Curtis K. Lyle, December 2008 3 poems by N. Scott Momaday, October 2011: poems by Sherman Alexie and Mark Turcotte, November 2011: poems by John Wieners and Edward Dorn, November 2019, poems by Luci Tapahonso and Santee Frazier - Polisz literary magazine, Budapest, October 1996: 1 poem by George Tsongas, May 2005: poems by Steve Dalachinsky and Michael Castro, February 2006: 2 poems by Carter Revard, July-August 3 poems by Ira Cohen, February 2008: 3 poems by Simon J. Ortiz - Észak Magyarország, daily paper, Miskolc, July 1997: 3 poems by Anselm Hollo - Cigányfúró literary magazine, Budapest, June 1997: poems by Julian Beck, Sparrow, Hal Sirowitz and Anselm Hollo; August 1997: poems by Jack Kerouac and Hal Sirowitz - 2000 literary magazine, Budapest, November 1997: a short story by Alejandro Murgia; July-August 2001: 6 poems by Walt Whitman; May 2003: 3 poems by Jusef Komunyakaa; July-August 2003: 4 poems by Galway Kinnel, November-December 2003: 3 poems by Carter Revard; June 2004: 2 poems by Bob Kaufman, October 2004: a short story by André Aciman, January 2005: a short story by Charles Bukowski, July-August 2005: an essay by Andrei Codrescu, April 2007: a poem by Ira Cohen, April 2008: a poem by Wanda Coleman, May 2008: 2 poems by Charles Bukowski, July-August 2009: 2 poems by Louise Erdrich, June 2012: 3 poems by Adrian C. Louis - C3. Central European University, Budapest, 1997: lyrics of Matthew Barney’s video opera Cremaster V - Nagyvilág literary magazine, Budapest, November-December 1998: a short story by Paul Auster; September 2000: 3 poems by Walt Whitman; April 2001: 3 poems by Louise Glück, 3 poems by Stanley Kunitz; October 2001: 2 poems by Gregory Corso; February 2002: poems by Amiri Baraka, Robert Creely and Robert Duncan; March 2002.: poems by Robert Hass, Mary Oliver, Sharon Olds and Robert Pinsky; April 2002: 4 poems by Hal Sirowitz, July 2004: poems by Alica Walker and Quincy Troupe, October 2005: poems by Bob Kaufman and Carter Revard, December 2006: poems by Alica Walker and Quincy Troupe, May 2007: poems by Paul Auster, July 2008 poems by Anita Endrezze and A. Sandongei, March 2012 poems by Samantha Thornhill and Bob Holman - Lettre Internationale literary magazine, Budapest, 199830: 1 poem by Kenneth Rexroth - Az Irodalom Visszavág literary magazine, Budapest, spring 1999: poems by Michael Castro, Sophie Crawford and Aleka Chase - Ex Symposion literary magazine, Veszprém, 199925: 2 poems by Charles Bukowski , 201279: 1 poem by Mandy L. Smoker and Peter Blue Cloud, 201488: 2 poems by Richard Van Camp and Louis (Little Coon) Oliver, 2019 autumn: 9 poems by Lance Henson - Pad literary magazine, Cegléd, 19991: 2 poems by Jack Hirschman - Látó literary magazine, Tirgu-Mures, Romania, 199911: 2 short stories by Ira Cohen, 2 poems by Allan Grabaud; 200110: 6 poems by Gregory Corso, 1 poem by Ira Cohen; 20026: 1 essay by André Aciman, 20065: poems by Will Alexander, John Ashbery, Ira Cohen, Rita Dove, Philip Lamantia, Mary Oliver, Wanda Phipps and Carter Revard, 200812: 3 poems Simon J. Ortiz, 20127: poems by Denise Dee Sweet, Joy Harjo and Travis Hedge Coke, 2196: poems by Matthew Rohrer and Al Winnans - Balkon, a magazine on art Budapest, 19993-4: 1 poem by Ira Cohen - Napút literary magazine, Budapest, 20003: poems by Charles Simic and Stanley Kunitz, 20013 poems by A. F. Calediero, 20095 2 poems by Ray A. Young Bear, 20206 3 poems by Joy Harjo and 1 prose by Gilah Yelin Hirsch - Helikon literary magazine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2000: 32 poems by 8 American poets - Új Holnap literary magazine, Miskolc, winter 2000: 1 poem by Ira Cohen - Parnasszus literary magazine, Budapest, summer 2001: 3 poems by Jusef Komunyakaa; summer 2005, 1 poem by Ira Cohen, summer 2018 8 poems by Joy Harjo, spring 2020 7 poems by Bob Kaufman - Könyvhét, a magazine on books Budapest, July 2001: 1 poem by Ira Cohen - Vár Ucca Műhely literary magazine, Veszprém, 20012-3 5 poems by Charles Bukowski, 20052 1 poem by Michael Castro, 20055 2 poems by Charles Bukowski, 20124 poems by Mandy L. Smoker, Mark Turcotte and Adrian C. Louis, 201963 2 poems by Ron Kolm - Műhely literary magazine, Győr, 20022: 2 poems by Robert Hass, Charles Wright and Robert Bly, excerpt from Speak Memory by Vladimir Nabokov, October 2005: 1 poem by Quincy Troupe, 201133 poems by dg nanouk okpik and Sherwin Bitsui - Palócföld literary magazine, Salgótarján, August 2004, 2 poems by Michael Castro, 20145, 2 poems by Eric Gansworth, 20154 2 poems by Gordon Henry - Szegedi Egyetem, University of Szeged, October 2004: 3 poems by Ira Cohen, October 2005 3 poems by Carter Revard, April 2007 2 poems by Wanda Coleman - Székelyföld literary magazine, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania, January 2005 poems by Stephen Dunn and Philip Levine, November 2019 poems by Terrance Hayes, Tracy K Smith and Eileen Myles - Nők Lapja, a magazine for women, Budapest, December 21. 2005, excerpt from a short story by Paul Auster - Ártér literary magazine, Budapest winter 2006, 1 poem by Ira Cohen - Translations of the Year anthology, Magyar Napló Press 2007, Budapest, 1 poem by Ira Cohen; 2008, 1 poem by Paul Auster - Árgus literary magazine, 20072, Székesfehérvár, 2 poems by Ira Cohen - Irodalmi Jelen literary magazine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2007 13 poems by Paul Auster, IJ online version: 2 poems by Carter Revard - Puskin Utca literary magazine, 20095-6, Budapest, 3 poems by Neeli Cherkovski - Spanyolnátha, online literary magazine, autumn 2009, poems by Louise Erdrich and Ray A. Young Bear, 3 poems by Jim Northrup - Új Ember, Catholic weekly, Budapest, August 8. 2010: 1 poem by Sherwin Bitsui, August 29: 2 poems by Dg Nanouk Okpik, October 10: 2 poems by Sherwin Bitsui, August 26. 2012: 2 poems by Jim Northrup - Nagyítás, weekly literary magazine, Budapest, August 11. 2010, poems by Louise Erdrich, Ray Young Bear, Jim Northrup and Carter Revard - Új Forrás, literary magazine, Tatabánya, 20108, 4 poems by Sherman Alexie, 20133, 2 poems by Mandy L. Smoker, 4 poems by Jim Northrup, 1 poem by Peter Blue Cloud, and 5 poems by Jim Barnes, 20139, 4 poems by Jim Northrup, 20153, 3 poems by Wendy Rose, 3-3 poems by Kade Twist, Linda Hogan and Heid Erdrich 20173, 1 poem by Sherman Alexie and Cheryl Savageau 20179, 12 poems by Dennis Maloney 20186, 2 poems by Heather Cahoon 20199 - Kurázsi, online literary magazine, 3 poems by Jim Northrup, November 2012 - Eszmélet, a quarterly of criticism and culture, Budapest, 1 song by Raimon Pelegero Sanchis, 201399 - Jelenkor, a monthly literary magazine, Pécs, Hungary, poems by Maurice Kenny, Al Hunter, Erika T. Wurth és Tacey M. Atsity, January 2014, 4 poems by Joy Harjo, February 2020, poems by Louise Glück, February 2021, a poem by Allen Ginsberg - Dunatükör, literary magazine, Csepel, 5 poems by Lance Henson, winter 2014 - Hévíz, literary magazine, Hévíz, 1 poem by Gordon Henry and Eric Gasnworth, 20156 - Versum, online literary magazine, 1 poem by Michael Castro and Lance Henson -, online literary magazine, 2 poems by Kimberly Blazer, March 2015, several haiku by Gerald Vizenor, January 2015, poems by Kim Shuck and Layli Long Soldier, April 2018, -, online literary magazine, poems by Lousie Erdrich April 11, 2015, poems by Jim Northrup August 1, 2016, 1 poem by Michael Castro September 23, 2016 - Alföld, a monthly literary magazine, Debrecen, Hungary, 4 poems by Wendi Rose 20168, poems by Layli Long Soldier, Kim Shuck and Lance Hanson 20188, poems by Heather Cahoon, Matthew Rohrer and Terrance Hayes 20199, poems by Joy Harjo and Larry Sawyer 20208, poems by Louise Glück and Cornelius Eady, 20218 - Irodalmi Szemle, a monthly literary magazine, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1 poem by Charles Bukowski, November 2016, 1 poem by Bob Kaufman, December 2016, 2 poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti 2017, 3 poems by Juan Felipe Herrera, November 2018, 3 poems by Natasha Trethewey, November 2019, 5 poems by Twm Morys, March 2020, 1 poem by Louise Glück, February 2021, 2 poems by Louise Glück, April 2021 - Pannon Tükör online, 3 poems by Roberta Hill Whiteman, January 2017 - Műút online 3 poems by Charles Bukowski, March 2017, a poem by Marc Turcotte, December 2018 - Vörös postakocsi online plus paper magazine 4 poems by Andrei Codrescu, March 2018, 4 poems by Deborah Landau 20192, 2 poems by Linda Hogan, April 2020, a poem by Janine Pommy Vega July 2020. 2 poems by Louise Glück December 2020, a poem by Al Winnans May 2021 - Csillagszálló, street mag, 2 poems by Jim Northrup, 20181 - Tiszatáj, a monthly literary magazine, Szeged, Hungary, 8 poems by Robert Pinsky, October 2018, 5 poems by Alan Dugan, February 2021, 3 poems by Louise Glück, March 2021, 4 poems by Twm Morys, July-August 2021, - Korunk, literary magazine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 5 poems by Layli Long Soldier 20194 - Híd, literary magazine, Novi Sad, Serbia, poems by Terrance Hayes, Eileen Myles and Tracy K. Smith, September 2019 - Tempevölgy, literary magazine, Balatonfüred, 3 poems by Lance Henson 20194 - Deák kert, online magazine, poems by Kimberly Blaser, Heather Cahoon és Larry Sawyer 20202 - Képmás magazine, October 9, 2020, 4 poems by Louise Glück - Múlt és Jövő monthly, 20202-3, 4 poems and an article by Louise Glück - HVG weekly, October 24, 2020, 1 poem by Louise Glück - Apokrif, online 2020. November 26, 1 poem by Louise Glück - Vigilia, 20211, 2 poems by Sherman Alexie - 1749-word literature online, 5 poems by Lance Henson, necrology of Lawrence Ferlinghetti February 2021, 2 poems by Sherwin Bitsui, March 2021, 2 poems by Mandy L Smoker April 2021, 3 poems by Heid E Erdrich May, 2021. 1 poem by Santee Fraizer June 2021, - Népszava, daily paper a poem by Mandy L Smoker, February 26, 2021
Prose Published in Hungarian Language Magazines -
- Irodalmi Újság, literary magazine, Paris, France, 19874, 19881 (prose), 19884 - Új Látóhatár, literary magazine, Münich, Germany, March 1988 - Motolla, literary magazine, Vienna, September 1988 - Szivárvány, literary magazine, Chicago - Budapest, 1988 (prose), 1997 - Ezredvég, literary magazine, Budapest, June 1994 (prose) - Literátor literary magazine, Budapest, winter 1994-1995 (prose) - Tiszavirág, literary magazine, Budapest, 1994 III2 (prose), 1995 IV1 (prose), 1996 V1 (prose) - Polisz, literary magazine, Budapest, summer 1995, May-June 1997 - Időjelek, literary magazine, Miskolc, 1995 - Élet és Irodalom, weekly literary magazine, Budapest, July 18 1997, September 25 1998, September 17 1999, June 30, August 4, September 15 2000 July 20 2001, April 26, July 23 2002, January 30 2004, July 13 2007, January 23 2009, October 31 2012, October 24 2013, November 21 2014, July 1 2016, October 31 2019, December 11 2020, - Új Horizont, literary magazine, Veszprém, 19984-5., 19994., 20031 - Sárkányfű, literary magazine, Budapest, November 1998 - Balatonfüredi Napló, a weekly paper, November 19 1998 - Új Holnap, literary magazine, Miskolc, January 1999, spring, winter 2000, spring 2002, spring 2003, summer 2004, 20053 - Parnasszus, literary magazine, Budapest, autumn 1999, winter 2000, spring 2001, spring, autumn 2002, summer 2004, fall 2005, winter 2018 - Az Irodalom Visszavág, literary magazine, Budapest, summer 1999 - Törökfürdő, literary magazine, Budapest, winter-spring 1998-1999 - Látó, literary magazine, Tirgu-Mures, Romania, 199911, 20008-9., 200110, 20021, 20026, 200312, 20091, 20132, 20197, 20201 - Ex Symposion literary magazine, Veszprém, 200030-31, 201693 - Alföld, literary magazine, Debrecen, September 2000, March, November 2002, December 2003, July 2004, November 2006, April 2008, March 2009, February 2010, January, November 2011, September 2012, November 2016, November 2017, April 2019, May 2020, 202 - Jelenkor literary magazine, Pécs, December 2000, November 2004, May 2006, May 2009, March 2011, September 2012, November 2014, January 2016, May 2017, November 2018, July-August 2019, June 2021 - Vár Ucca Műhely, literary magazine, Veszprém, 20001, 20061 (American diary, third printing), 20103, 20123 - Helikon, literary magazine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 2000 - Magyar Konyha, culinary magazine, Budapest. 20012 (prose) - Liget, literary magazine, Budapest, October 2001 - Gyűjtők és Gyűjtemények, magazine on art, Budapest, 20015-6 - Magyar Műhely, magazine on avant-garde, Budapest, 2002120, 2013164 - Műhely, literary magazine, Győr, 20022, 20025, 2005River - Palócföld, literary magazine, Salgótarján, 2002. XLVIII, 2002. XLVIII5, 2003. XLIXl, 2004. 1-2. 20173 - Szépirodalmi Figyelő, review magazine, Budapest, 20022 - Korunk, literary magazine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 20025 - Kalligram, literary magazine, Budapest-Bratislava, July-August 2002, September 2004, January-February 2006, July-August 2008, March 2010, November 2012, February 2017 - 2000, literary magazine, Budapest, December 2002, September 2004, - Hungarian Radio broadcasting poetry, Budapest, October 9, 2003, May 11, 2004, September 8, 2005, July 18, 2006, September 27 2008, July 25 2009, March 6 2010, February 19, October 12 2011, October 29 2012 - Új Forrás, literary magazine, Tatabánya, October 2003, February 2005, June 2008 - Petőfi Irodalmi Museum, Budapest, 2003. André Kertész exhibit - Szegedi Egyetem, University of Szeged, 2003. Vol. 9. (prose, poetry) 2003. Vol., October 2004 (diary), November 14, 2005, February 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20 2006 (American Diary), May 2, 2006, October 14, 2007, November 12, 2007, March 1, 16, 29 2010, February 14, March 28, April 18, 2011 -, online literary magazine, December 4-10, 2003 (diary), April 27, May 2, 5 2006 (American diary, second printing), October 14, 2007, November 12, 2007, August 2012 (prose) - Poetry on the Metro, Budapest, 2004, 2005 - Új Dunatáj, literary magazine, Szekszárd, June 2004 - Friss Újság, a daily paper, Szeged, October 2004 - Dunatükör, literary magazine, Csepel, 122004, 52015 (prose), 122018 - Székelyföld, literary magazine, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania, December 2004 - A Hét, a weekly magazine on social and cultural issues, Tirgu-Mures, Romania, May 19, May 26, June 30, 2005. (prose) - Irodalmi Jelen, literary magazine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, January 2005, October 2007 - Kortárs, literary magazine, Budapest 20059, 20079, 20132, 20151, 20174 - Népszabadság, a daily paper, Budapest, September 23 2006, July 28, December 8 2007, August 9 2008, December 13 2008, June 27 2009, October 24 2009 - Kilincs, literary magazine, Budapest 20071-2 - Spanyolnátha, online literary magazine, summer 2008, 20142, 20145, 20174 - Bárka, literary magazine, Békéscsaba, XVII. 20093, XXIII. 20156. XXV. 20176 - Műút, literary magazine, Miskolc, 200916, June 2014, Summer double issue 2016, February 2020 - Életünk, literary magazine, Szombathely, 20102, 201211 - Nagyítás, weekly magazine, Budapest, April 7 2010 - Új Ember, Catholic weekly, Budapest, December 5 2010, November 9 2011 - Eső, literary magazine, Szolnok, Spring 2011, Summer 2019 - Tempevölgy, magazine of art, science and literature, Balatonfüred, September 2012, September 2016, 20173, 20193 - Kurázsi, online literary magazine, March 2013 -, October 2013 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Beregi Megyei Szemle, Nyíregyháza, 20161 - Vigilia, literary magazine, Budapest, August 2016 - Kulter, online literary magazine, 201609 - Vörös Postakocsi, online literary magazine, November 2016, March 2017 - Vöröspostakocsi literary magazine, 2016 1,2,3,4. 20171,2,3,4., 20191 - Nyugatplusz 2018VI2
Poems and Translations Published in Other Languages:
- lay0ut is an online magazine. University of Pavia, Italy 2021, 3 poems in Italian - Protimluv magazine, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2017, 6 poems in Czech - Tanta International Poetry Festival Anthology, Tanta, Egypt, 2016, 1 poem in Arabic - Miscarea Literara, Bistrita, Romania, nr. 1(57), 2016, 4 poems in Romanian - Poesis, literary magazine, Satu Mare, Romania, nr. 1-22016, 1 poem in Romanian - Scriptor, literary magazine, Iasi, Romania, Vol. XXXVI 2015, 4 poems in Romanian - Zlatna Greda, Novi Sad, Serbia, June-August 2015, 11 poems in Serbian -, 2 poems in Italian, July 2014 - Mope (Sea) literary magazine, Burgas, Bulgaria, 22013, 6 poems in Bulgarian - Tempevölgy, Balatonfüred, Hungary December 2012, 1 poem in Italian - Litviet, online, USA, February 11, 2012, 7 poems in Vietnamese - Vanchuongviet, online, Saigon, Vietnam, February 14, 2012, 7 poems in Vietnamese - Sterz, German language literary magazine in Graz, Austria, 2011, N. 103 - Koan, Udine, Italy, 2001 III4: 7 poems in Italian, Bulgarian and Hungarian - Haemus, Bulgarian- Hungarian bilingual literary magazine, Sofia-Budapest, 20003: 6 poems by Ljudmil Jankov in Hungarian, 20011: 2 own poems in Bulgarian, poems by Planem Dojnov, Bojko Lambovszki and Georgi Goszpodinov in Hungarian - Literatura Vectnik, literary magazine, Sofia, Bulgaria 19999: 3 poems in Bulgarian - Garun, Jereván, Armenia 199912: 3 poems in Armenian - Plaza, literary magazine, Tokio, Japan, 199935: 1 poem in Japanese Articles, Reviews Written: - Wiener Diarium, Vienna, 1987, 1988 - Cups, New York, June, December 1996 - Balkon, a magazine on art, Budapest, 1999 3-4. - Gyűjtők és Gyűjtemények, a magazine on art, Budapest, 19994., 20001., 20003. - Oktogon, magazine on architecture, Budapest, 2000 Vol.10. 1 article; Vol. 11, 4 articles; Vol.12. 3 articles; Vol. 13. 1 article - Magyar Narancs, a magazine on social and cultural issues, Budapest, July 20, August 17, 2000 - Könyvhét, a magazine on books, Budapest, July 12, 2001 - Színház, theatre magazine, Budapest, May 2002, April 2005 - Interpress Magazine, Budapest, September 2002, 2 articles -, online literary magazine, January 10, 2004, October 15, 2005 - Criticai Lapok, theatre magazine, Budapest September 2006, 2008 Vol. XVII., 2011 Vol. 11 - Új Ember, montly magazine, Budapest, November 2011 - Új Forrás, literary magazine, Tatabánya, March 2013 - Magyar Műhely, magazine on avant-garde, Budapest, 2013164 - 1749 online magazine, Lawrence Ferlinghetti necrology, February 26, 2021 Other: - Article written to the Jewish Woman, A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia about Zsófia Balla Hungarian poet
Education: - University of Amsterdam, Theatre Studies 1987 - Commercial High School, Budapest 1973-1977
Teaching experience: - Language and History Tutor, San Francisco, California 1990-1994
Lecture and panel opportunities:
- Lecture on Hungarian Literature; University of California, Berkeley 1992 - Lecture on Hungarian Literature; University of Missouri, St. Louis 1999 - Lecture on Translating Hungarian Poetry to English; Conference of the Young Writers Association, Gárdony, Hungary, July 2002 - Lecture on Translating Hungarian Poetry to English; Conference of the Jozsef Attila Circle, Szentendre, Hungary, October 2003 - Lecture on Contemporary Hungarian Poetry; Loyola University, New Orleans 2003 - Lecture on Translating Attila Jozsef to English; International Translator’s Conference, Budapest, Hungary, July 2004 - Lecture on Writing Poetry; Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary, March 2004 - Lecture on Translating Attila Jozsef to English; International Translator’s Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 2005 - Dialogue on writing poetry, József Attila high school, Budapest, Hungary, April 11 2007 - Lecture on Translation, University of Missouri, St Louis, Missouri, February 2008 - Lecture on Translation, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, Missouri, February 2008 - Lecture on Translation, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, February 2008 - Lecture on Translating Attila Jozsef to English, Writer’s Garret, Dallas, Texas, February 2008 - Lecture on Contemporary Hungarian Poetry, Savannah State University, Savannah, Georgia, February 2008 - Lecture on Contemporary Native American Poetry, Corvinus University, American Corner, Budapest, Hungary, December 8, 2011 - Lecture on the Origins of Slam Poetry, at Hungarian Writers Association Avant-garde Conference, Budapest, Hungary, November 13 2012 - Lecture on Native American Identity. József Attila Circle Literary Association of Young Writers (JAK) Conference. Gödör Club, Budapest, February 26, 2016 - Lecture on the Development of Slam Poetry, Belletrist Association (Szépírók Társasága) Slam Fest 1. Gödör Club, Budapest, March 13, 2016 - Lecture on Contemporary Native American Poetry, Lycée Van Dongen, Lagny-sur-Marne, France, October 2018 - Lecture on Contemporary Native American Poetry, Tamási Áron High school, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania, November 2018 - Lecture on Modern American Poetry and Contemporary Native American Poetry, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, October 2019 - Lecture on Translation online, Bielefeld University, Fakultät für Linguistik und Literatur-wissenschaft. Language Center, Bielefeld, Germany February 2021
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- Berkeley, California Boulder, Colorado Chicago, Illinois Dallas, Texas El Paso, Texas Los Angeles, California Mesilla, New Mexico Milwaukee, Wisconsin Montreal, Canada Newark, New Jersey New Brunswick, New Jersey New Orleans, Louisiana New York, New York Pasadena, California San Francisco, California Savannah, Georgia St. Charles, Missouri St. Louis, Missouri Toronto, Canada Washington D.C., Amsterdam, Holland, Balatonfüred, Hungary Bologna, Italy Brno, Czech Republic Budapest, Hungary Cairo, Egypt Cluj-Napoca, Romania Debrecen, Hungary Dunajská Streda, Slovakia Dunaújváros, Hungary Eger, Hungary Galway, Ireland Győr, Hungary Hamburg, Germany Lagny, France Mátészalka, Hungary Miercurea Ciuc, Romania Miskolc, Hungary Nyíregyháza, Hungary Novi Sad, Serbia Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania Ostrava, Czech Republic Paks, Hungary Paris, France Pécs, Hungary Prague, Czech Republic Salerno, Italy Satu Mare, Romania Sofia, Bulgaria Subotica, Serbia Szeged, Hungary Székesfehérvár, Hungary Szolnok, Hungary Szombathely, Hungary Tanta, Egypt Tata, Hungary Tatabánya, Hungary Tirgu Mures, Romania Veszprém, Hungary Vienna, Austria Zalaegerszeg, Hungary Zamárdi, Hungary
English language poets and writers whose works have been translated from English to Hungarian by Gabor G Gyukics – more than 100 writers
- Andrei Aciman (prose) Will Alexander Sherman Alexie John Ashbery Paul Auster (prose and poetry) Jim Aigoe B. Alberti Tacey M. Atsitty Amiri Baraka aka LeRoy Jones Matthew Barney (lyrics) Jim Barnes Judith Basya Ray A. Young Bear Julian Beck Stephen Berkoff (3 plays) Ted Berrigan Sherwin Bitsui Kimberly Blaeser Robert Bly Harold Bowser Chris Brown Charles Bukowski (prose and poetry) Heather Cahoon A.F. Caldiero Jan Castro Michael Castro Aleka Chase Neeli Cherkovski Andrei Codrescu (prose and poetry) Ira Cohen (prose and poetry) Wanda Coleman Gregory Corso Abraham Cowley Sophie Crawford Robert Creely Steve Dalachinsky George Dickerson Eric Docherty Edward Dorn Rita Dove Alan Dugan Stephen Dunn Robert Duncan Cornelius Eady Anita Endrezze Louise Erdrich Heid E Erdrich Lawrence Ferlinghetti Santee Frazier Eric Gansworth Darrel Gauff Allen Ginsberg Allan Grabaurd Michael Graves Louise Glück Rachel Eliza Griffiths Donald Hall Joy Harjo Robert Hass Terrance Hayes Alyson Hedge Coke Travis Hedge Coke Bob Heman Gordon Henry Lance Henson Heather Hermant Juan Felipe Herrera Roberta Hill Gilah Yelin Hirsch Jack Hirschman John Hollander Anselm Hollo Bob Holman Bob Kaufman Jack Kerouac Maurice Kenny Galway Kinnel John Kliphan Michael Koch Ron Kolm Yusef Komunyakaa Harry Kondoleon (play, not yet published) Stanley Kunitz Philip Lamantia Deborah Landau Philip Levine Henry Logan K. Curtis Lyle Brandy McDougall David Miller Henry Miller (play, not yet published) N. Scott Momaday Twm Morys Alejandro Murgia (prose) Elieen Myles Vladimir Nabokov (prose, excerpt from Speak Memory) Jim Northrup dg nanouk okpik Sharon Olds Mary Oliver Sara Marie Ortiz Simon J. Ortiz Elise Paschen Wanda Phipps Robert Pinsky Carter Revard Kenneth Rexroth Keith Roach Layli Long Soldier Matthew Rohrer Wendy Rose Alyce Sadongei Larry Sawyer Larissa Shmailo Kim Shuck Charles Simic Hal Sirowitz Tracy K Smith Mandy L. Smoker Sparrow Luci Tapahonso Samantha Thornhill Natasha Trethewey Quincy Troupe Georges Tsongas Mark Turcotte Janine Pommy Vega Gerald Vizenor Elizabeth Villiers Liberty Alice Walker Pam Warren Walt Whitman John Wieners Al Winnans Patricia Woodward Charles Wright Jeff Wright Erika T. Würth
Hungarian poets and writers whose works have been translated to English by Gabor G Gyukics and Michael Castro more than 100 writers
- János Áfra István Ágh László Aranyi Mihály Babits Mihály Balázsovics Zsófia Balla Attila Balogh Károly Bari (tales, essays, poetry) Attila Berka István Béki László Bertók Béla Bodor Antal Bókay (essay) Olga Czilzer Gyula Csákovics (prose) Lajos Csontó Laszlo Darvasi Péter Dobai Johanna Domokos Ádám Dukay Nagy Kinga Fabó Ottó Fenyvesi Győző Ferenc Pál Ficsku (prose) Petra Finy Tamás Filip Ákos Fodor Ferenc Gál Ádám Gáll László Garaczi Ágnes Gergely Tibor Halmi János Háy (prose, excerpt from the novel Kid) Ferenc Hajdu Gizella Hervay Zita Izsó Attila Jász Attila József Lóránt K. Kabai Zsuzsa Kalla (essay) Péter Kálloy Molnár Péter Kántor János Kányádi Orsolya Karafiáth István Kemény Jószef Keresztesi Rezső Keszthelyi Levente Király Irén Kiss Dénes Krusovszki Endre Kukorelly Borbála Kulin János Lackfi Mihály Ladányi Katalin Ladik Gábor Lanckor Zsolt Láng (prose) Sándor Márai (prose) János Marno Anna Menyhért Mónika Mesterházy Krisztina Rita Molnár Zita Murányi Müller Péter Sziámi (essay) László Nagy Ágnes Nemes Nagy Zsuka Nagy Márió Nemes Z. Gábor Niklai Attila Nyilas Imre Oravecz Ottó Orbán Zoltán P. Papp Lajos Parti Nagy Krisztián Peer Zsuzsanna Peremartoni András Petőcz György Petri János Pilinszky Sándor Rákos Zsuzsa Rakovszky Rita Ratzky (essay) Bori Rutkai Gábor Schein Balázs Simon, György Somlyó Marcell Szabó Anna Szabó T. Zsolt Székelyhidi Ákos Szilágyi, Ferenc Szíjj Domonkos Szilágyi János Sziveri Kata Szlukovényi Ádám Tábor Dezső Tandori Attila Tasnády Sándor Tatár János Térey Levente Thury (prose) Ottó Tolnai Erzsébet Tóth Krisztina Tóth István Turczi György Tverdota (essay) Szabina Ughy Tibor Vass István Vörös (poetry, essay) Dániel Varró Sándor Weöres Tibor Zalán Péter Zilahy